Thursday 9 December 2021

~My Piskel~

Hello Bloggers!

Today I have made a Piskel about Turtles. I made it about how the mother turtle goes off in the ocean and then the baby turtles hatch and go to the ocean as well. This was just a small piskel. The NC means that only the person who created the digital image or artwork can make from it. I hope you like my Piskel! Blog you later!!! 


Wednesday 8 December 2021

My writing!!!

 Hello Bloggers!! 

Today I have made some writing. I called it Esmeralda cuz she is the main character and I did not know what to call it.  Its about a girl who has a horse and she goes on a journey. My class and me and to describable 3 pictures and then write about it. Anyways hope you enjoy! Blog you later!


Tuesday 7 December 2021

Summer learning Art!!!

 Hello Bloggers!

Today I made some Art on my computer. I did it from the summer learning journey. I just had to colour it in but not draw the picture. I did a space theme one. I probable will use summer learning journey. Me and my family are going away a lot in the holidays.  Are you going to use summer learning journey??? Blog you later!!! 🐯⚽Mikayla⚽🐯

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Thursday 2 December 2021

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander!!!

 Hola Bloggers!

Over the last couple of days my class have been making this Art called Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. This kind of Art was mad all over the world. It was made 1000 years ago and now lots of people like it. You can really do anything and just add dots. My whole class did the same one first which is the gecko. We had to do dots on the gecko and the background. We also had to do this thing called warm and cold colors I did cool for my gecko and warm for my background. Then after you have finished that Art you get to do your own art (But add dots) I did I tiger because there my favorite animal!! I also did a blue background because I wanted it to be a sky blue. 

                                                                        My Gecko!!!


                                                                     My Tiger!!!                                                                       

Tuesday 30 November 2021


 Hello Bloggers!!!

Today I have done some writing! I called it dispersing. We had to describable the different pictures and then we had to writ about them. Everyone in my class did the same picture but different writing!! It was pretty easy! Anyways hope you like it!! 


Monday 22 November 2021

Ember green Titiponamus!!!

 Hello Bloggers!!!

Over the last couple of days I have been making some writing. About these birds called Titiponamu. They are these little green tiny birds. There about as light as 6 paper clips so they are very very very tiny. They live in forests and make nests like normal birds. It was pretty easy to do the writing. My whole class was doing the writing too!!! Anyways hope you enjoy!!!  Blog you later!!!


Friday 19 November 2021

Wacky Art!!!

 Hello Bloggers!!! 

My whole class has been making this type of Art we got this from a Artist called Wassily Kandinsky.

He started out like a neat Artist but then he went in to a not real artist. He was a very colorful  artist. We mixed color's to see  what we got and  we got lots of fun colors we had to use red,yellow,blue,white,Black. I will show you one of his paintings now. 


Well anyways hope you enjoy! Blog you later!!!
This is me after my art was done. 
This is me and my friend Amy making our Art!!!

Thursday 11 November 2021

Moment in Time!!!

 ihola Bloggers!!!

Today I have made some writing about a moment in time! I was writing about a kea! Keas are one of my favorite birds. It was pretty easy to do it. I was not really sure what to do for the taste part so I just put in berries. Anyways hope enjoy!!! 🐯⚽Mikayla⚽🐯

Monday 8 November 2021

Label my bird!!!

Today I have been making my label my bird slides. If you saw the bird of the year slides then this is just a little add on to that. I was labeling my kea. It was pretty easy and simple to do that. Anyways hope you enjoy!!! Blog you later!!! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

Thursday 4 November 2021

Bird of the year!:)

 Hello bloggers!

Today I was making some bird of the year slides. What bird do you want to win for bird of the year??? I have chosen a kea! I have always loved Keas I have seen them in the zoo a lot. Also there wings are really pretty under them. It is red and some yellow with a bit of blue and black. There is only about 3000 to 7000 left in the world. Which bird or bat would you chose to win??? Blog you later!!! 🐯⚽Mikayla⚽🐯

Tuesday 2 November 2021

Save the Tigers!!!

Hola Bloggers!!!

 Did you have a good Halloween??? Today I have made some slides about saving the tigers and facts and stuff. This is not school stuff but I just wanted to post it on my blog. There is also a link to this slide show me and my friend Amy made! There is also a couple videos for you to watch. Hope you enjoy!!!

Blog you later!!!  🐯⚽Mikayla⚽🐯

Thursday 28 October 2021

Doorway Writing!!!:)

 Hello Bloggers!!!

Today I have been doing some doorway writing. My teacher gave me a couple options to choose for some doors to right about I choose a one with the tree in it! It was not the hard. But I did write a few slides. Anyways hope you like it!!! Blog you later!!! 🐯⚽Mikayla⚽🐯

Thursday 21 October 2021

Quality Blog COMMENT!!!!!

 Hello Bloggers!!!😁

Today I have been working on What is Quality Blog Comment? I have some slides about it:) I had to say in a comment what was the Greeting, Positive, Thoughtful, Helpful!!! It was really fast to do it too!

Hope you enjoy!!! Blog you later!!!


My comic book!!!

 Hello Bloggers!

How have your holidays been? Mine has been a bit boring because we were in lock-down.

Today I have a post for you about a comic book. Mine is a about a superhero called aqua girl and the villain is Meir Man. Well I hope you enjoy!!! Blog you later!!!


Friday 24 September 2021

My Writing🐯⚽😁

 Hello Bloggers!!!

Today I have made some writing! In my class we are doing this writing called Scrambled. We had to watch a video and then try write about it. If you could like to see what I am trying to write about CLICK HERE!!! I had to do this on a doc so I will just tell you about my favorite bit here it is. The Girl Viciously ran towards the train. Bing… The train closed its doors and it started moving. “Arrrrr” Said the girl I hope you like it!!! Blog you later!!!!    


Wednesday 15 September 2021


 Hello Bloggers!

Today I have made some Volcano slides! I have not been posting for a while because of my computer but its all good now.  I hope you like my poem and my word Art! Have you ever seen a Volcano before???

Blog you later!!! ⚽🐯Mikayla🐯⚽

Wednesday 8 September 2021

More Volcano slides!!!

 Hello Bloggers!!!

Today I have some more Volcano slides! We are doing a lot of volcano stuff this term. In these volcano slides I have made a story. I hope you like it! Blog ya later!!!

Thursday 2 September 2021


Today I have a Blog post about more Volcanoes but this one is different from the others. This term for maths we are learning about Volcanoes! You might be doing this in your class so do like doing it??? Have you ever seen a Volcano before??? Blog you later!!!


Tuesday 31 August 2021

MONDAY!!! Volcano

 Hello Bloggers!!!
 How are you doing in lock down??? On Monday on my google meet my teacher asked me to do my volcano slides. It was pretty simple. We had to label a volcano and talk about them. Enjoy!

Do you like Volcano's??? Blog you later!!!


Friday 27 August 2021

My Volcano Slides!!!

 Hello Bloggers!!!
How are you doing in lock down??? Today on my google meet my teacher (Miss Judd)  asked our whole class to make some volcano slides! I worked on it in the morning! I hope you like it!!! Blog you later!!!


Wednesday 25 August 2021


 Hello Blogger's!!! 

Today in my google meet my teacher asked me to make some slides about volcanoes! In lock down we are mostly learning about volcanoes! I hope your stay safe in your home! Hope you enjoy!

Monday 23 August 2021

My AMAZING Park!!!🐯🀩🌳

 Hello Blogger's!!!
Today I have made a park (On slides) On the google meet on Friday we had to make our own park! We had to add an event and 10 games we can play at the park. We also had to add what the seasons and trees are like. I also added a soccer match for soccer lovers! There was not much hard parts! It was all pretty easy. Have you ever made your own park??? Stay Safe!!!                                               


Thursday 19 August 2021

Auckland and beyond (Slides)

 Hello Bloggers!!!

How are you doing in lock down??? Today I have a post about Auckland and beyond. It is some slides that we got told to do on my class call today. It is just a little bit about me and what I like and other things. 

Stay safe!!! Mikayla🐯⚽

Friday 13 August 2021

Coin Operated (Writing)

  Hello Blogger's! 

Over the past week me and my class have been doing some writing about a video we watch. If you want to see what we are writing then Click here. I liked watching the video. Also it was not to hard because ll we had to do was watch a video and write about it! It was about a boy and a rocket also a lemonade stand he worked there for many years until he was an old man anyways I will let you read it! Blog you later!!!


BROOM BROOM!!! Said the boy pointing the toy rocket to the sky.  He started running around with it. Then when he was about to go into the shop with his mum he stopped and looked at the colossal rocket. He could even fit in it. He ran up to it and took a coin out of his pocket. His mum pulled him away but he pulled back. He put the coin in and went on the rocket. The boy smiled happily. The mum walked into the shop. The rocket pointed up to the sky ready to go. The boy looked at the moon and then smiled. But to his disappointment the rocket just went up and down. It stopped and the boy rummaged in his pocket for another coin. He looked sadder than ever. He sat back on the rocket. Then the boy looked up and he had an idea! He ran back home leaving his mum in his dust. The boy picked up some wood and made a lemonade stand. He waited and waited and lots of people came and went. Days went past, months went passed and years went passed. He grew older and older until he was an old man. The old man smiled and took his money bag to the colossal rocket. The old man looked at it. It was much smaller than he remembered. But the old man smiled and put all of his money in. He went to the rocket and sat in it. But the rocket did nothing,  all the saving up for nothing,  his heart dropped. Then the rocket pointed to the sky ready to go. The old man smiled and looked at the moon. BOOM!!! The rocket busted into the sky. The old man felt like a boy! It flew past all the clouds, all that saving was for something. To go to space.  

The end!

Friday 6 August 2021

The Present! (Writing)

 Hello Blogger's!!!

Today I have made some writing. My class have watched a video about a boy and a dog. If you want to watch it her is the link. (The VIDEO). We had to write a brainstorm about one then we had to write a story about it.  I can not really post a doc on my blog so you can look at the link. CLICK ME Blog you later!!!



Friday 9 July 2021


Hello Blogger's!!! 
Over the past week my whole class has been making Matariki slides!!! We had to learn a lot about Matariki & all of the stars. It was not to hard but we did have to work a lot on it and stuff like that. 
Have you ever seen the Matariki stars before??? Blog you later!!! Mikayla🐯❤️

Thursday 8 July 2021


 Hello Blogger's!!!

Today I have made a blog post about Wairaka. In my class we have been doing ore langues. My teacher has told us the story about it. (333 million times!!!)......  Then now we have made some slides about the story also she just told us a plan story so we had to put some really good words in there. It was kind of easy all you had to do was think of good words. Then writ the story. What is your favorite piece of writing? Blog you later!!! Mikayla🐯❤️


Friday 2 July 2021

My Quality Cyber-smart!!!

 Hello Blogger's!! 

Yesterday my whole class had cyber smart with Miss Green. We were working on these slides called My Quality Blog posts. What we had to do was click on the blogs & look at them then we had to chose one to read. We turned to the next slide and filled it all in. Most of it for me was getting going for her. Lucy pick a path was kind of hard because when we clicked on the buttons it always made us go back a slide so we could never get to the end. Are you exited for the holidays??????? Blog you later!!!

Animation Legend Mash up!!

 Hello Blogger's!!

Today I have made a legend mash up with my friend Amy. A legend mash up is when you have to mash to legends together me and Amy have put Bird woman & Rau Te Manu. Also am sorry bloggers but it is not fdone yet me and Amy are working on it every time we can. They are to story's we have put together. The whole of Rm 7 is doing it!! Nothing is to hard about it. We get to use storyboard to make it too!! Have you ever done something like this?? Blog you later! Mikayla!!! 

Monday 28 June 2021

My Hot Air Balloon Writing!!!

 Hello Blogger's!!

Today I have made some exiting writing about a picture. It was about a hot air balloon I will give to the picture so you can see what I am writing about. It was not to hard but we had to put some good words to make it good writing. Other then that it was pretty easyπŸ˜„. Have you ever done writing like this??



It was a new day. The air was cold you could see a big ball of rainbow in the sky. Slowly, the hot air balloon crossed the water just touching it.  There was a cool breeze in the air it swirled around me. The water was crystal clear I could see under it. The breeze was colder than ever. As I floated across the splashing water I thought maybe the water would be nice to jump in. I got ready to jump. Excitedly I   jumped in! It was so cold it felt like I was was swimming in a ice pop. My hot air balloon started to float away. “NOOO COME BACK” I yelled. “Mmmmm”. I was nowhere close to land.

Thursday 17 June 2021

Fresh & Smooth play!!!!!

Hello Blogger's!!!
Today I am going to show you some writing that I have made to show you how much I liked the play!!
My writing...
I think that the fresh and Smooth play was pretty fun. It was so fun being a gangster! We got to do cool posers and wear fun stuff. The whale was getting very close to us. Also the Whale got stuck in the curtain on Wednesday. My mum & dad wear also their on Wednesday!! Here is a picture to show you what we are can you guess???
Blog you later!!!

Tuesday 15 June 2021

Story Stucture!! Writing!

 Hello Blogger's!!
Over the past week my whole class have been making writing! It was on slides. It was pretty easy at the start I did not really get it but I got it in the end. Their was nothing to hard about it.                                       Have you ever done writing like this??? Blog you later!!!


Monday 14 June 2021

Cultural Unity!!

 Hello Blogger's!!

Today I was making my Cultural Unity day slide!! All you need to do is choose a cultural I choose Scotland.  I had to make slides about Scotland and then I had to talk about it. By the way I am 30% Scotland!! Are you Scotland??? Blog you later!!!!! Mikayla!!

Language Features writing!!!!

Hello Blogger's!!
Today we have been making writing (Languages Features). We have been doing little clips of writing. In the snowball writing I was confessed at the start but then I got it. It was okay. My favorite one was probe the tank under sea. What is your favorite writing you have ever done??? Blog you later!!!


My Statement!!

 Hello Blogger's!!

Over the past weeks we have been making some reading slides. (Extraordinary Charters). My teacher asked Rm 7 to make a Statement about the slides here is what we had to make the Statement about. 

Reading or watching extraordinary characters battling evil teaches us valuable life lessons.

Do you agree with this statement? Here is a slide that I put my answer on do you agree??

Fresh & Smooth!!

 Hello Blogger's!!

Today me and my friend made a poster about the fresh and smooth play. It was pretty fun we are acting as cool Krill! Its so funny!  Would you go if you saw our poster?? Blog you later!!!!


My Writing!!!

Hello Blogger's!! 

Over the past week Rm 7 has been doing some writing. I have 4 pages of writing (Everyone does).  It was pretty easy. I liked making the haunted house the most. Whats your fav thing about writing?Blog you later


Friday 28 May 2021

Choose a LEGEND!!

 Hello Blogger's!!

Over the week me and my class have been working on choose a legend. So what we do is their are some books and the Rm 7 Kauri site.  There are about 6 or 7 and we get to choose two and then we have to read it. Then we have to put it on the slides. Hope you like it BLOGGER'S!!! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!


Thursday 20 May 2021

My piskel!!!

 Hello Blogger's!!!

Today we were doing toolkit. Me and some of my friends went to piskel for our first one! It was really fun because we got to play around with it. I am not done yet but I made a turtle it is not my best one tho. But it is okay. Have you ever made a piskel?? Blog you later!!!


Friday 14 May 2021

My fav writing!!!!!!


Hello Blogger's!!! Mikayla here.

In the past week we have been looking at Setting Descriptive writing. There was two writings we had to do. My one is about a hunted house. Megan said that we had to do it. Well this was not my all time fav but we had to chose one from our slide. I will also show you the picture so you can see what I am describe.   


 I started walking down a path. It was a pitch black night. I could hear someone laughing. I saw a house. It was a horrifying site. Red light shone on me as I walked up the stairs. CREEK!! Went the steps. Anxiously I made my way to the door. Knock knock knock. I could hear someone coming down the stairs of the house. BOOM BOOM!!! I heard a terrifying sound in the house. GULP!! I gulped. The door creaked open. Very slowly. Boom boom…… boom boom…..boom boom….. My heart was beating faster than ever. The door opened I tired to scream but I was to scared to say a word.

Friday 7 May 2021

CRASH!!! (Writing)

 Hello Bloggers!!

A couple weeks ago I made this writing called crash well the whole of Rm 7 did. I hope you like it.

There was not much hard parts about this. So it was pretty easy! Anyways. Tell me in the comments if I have to fix something in my writing. BYEEEEEEEEEEEE

The writing!!

!!!BOOM!!!!!!! CRASH!!!

The helicopter crashed. I stepped out. Panicked I dashed through the grass. It was dripping wet. I kept on slipping and sliding. My heart was beating fast. Boom boom……..boom boom …….boom boom……

It felt like my heart was going to leap out of my chest. I yelled for help!! “HELP HELP” No one heard me. I looked around me and I think I might have shrunken because I was in a garden and everything was BIG. The flowers were crystal clear. I looked around me and I saw someone coming my way. I had to make a run for it. I saw a dog and I jumped on to the dog. Its name was bella.  I said in a very loud voice “GO BELLA GO” she ran as fast as she could till we made it to the end of the garden the person must have thought I was some kind of doll or something because she picked me up and said “oh look a little doll I am going to keep it in my bedroom forever” well that was the end of me. 

Friday 16 April 2021

A Mysterious shadow!! (writing)

 Hello Bloggers!!

Today I made some writing that we had to do in our class. It was called A Mysterious shadow.

I really liked how this writing went but I made this in to a really big story so I am just going to show you my two fav parts of my writing. Hope you like it!!!  Blog you later!!!!


Suddenly a gust of wind swept passed me.

“Hello” I said “Hello dear” said a voice that sounded very old and crakerley. “Um who is this?”

Black powder went all over the floor. The floor turned pitch black. I said creeped out.

I was sinking “AHHHHHHHHHHHHH” I yelled “Haha, find out for yourself” said the voice.

“PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP ME” I yelled with all my might.

My toolkit!!

                                                 Hello Blogger's!!
Over the past days me and Amy have been making a toolkit. Everyone has tho. Me and Amy made ours about storyboard. If you do not know how to use storyboard then this is the perfect pose for you.
Also me and Amy got to show ours to Rm 6 right next door to us. Only a couple of people got to go to some class's to show people there slides. I think they really liked our one. But I do not know???
What was your toolkit about?? Toolkit are really fun!!!!!!!!! I hope you got to use it.

Wednesday 31 March 2021

My tunnel writing!πŸ–¨️⌨️

 Hello Bloggers!! Mikayla here.

Today we were doing writing. We were doing this writing about a tunnel. The hard thing about this was choosing your words. The easy thing about this was making something up in my writing. I hope you like it BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!🐯🐯🐯🐴🐢Mikayla🐢🐴🐯🐯🐯

As I walked down the forest and looked around the corner.Amazed I saw a shimmering waterfall. The waterfall sprinkled on the water.

It flowed down the stream.  The Air smelled of lavender and it swirled around me.

I looked over and saw a dark cloudy cave.

I wanted to explore so I went into the cave.

It was big at first but when I started going down it got smaller and smaller each

step I took.

Until I had to lay down on my tummy to get through the cave.

A bat jumped out of a hole in the cave. I felt like I had just had a heart attack. 

Then I saw cycrest clear water. It glowed.

I stepped in the water and kept on walking.

I looked under my feet and saw a cave underwater. I started to swim down.

I was out of breath slowly and I started to stop.

It got deeper and deeper till I could not touch the bottom.

Then I saw an opening. I used all my strength and got up.

Then the cave stopped. Then I could breathe. I felt so good I lay on the floor.

I looked at the roof and saw glittering diamonds. Was I in a dream?

I slapped myself on the face. OW!! I Yelled. I am not in a dream. 

Monday 29 March 2021


 Hello Bloggers!! Mikayla here.

Today I have a blog post about my art about me. You can see what I like in my thought cloud and you can see  what I am thinking sometimes. Have you ever made something like this???

Blog you later! MikaylaπŸ―πŸ…πŸ΄πŸŽπŸΆπŸΎπŸ―πŸ―πŸ―πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…

Friday 19 March 2021

My waterfall story!!!

 Hello Blogger's!

Today I have a post about my waterfall story!!! I made it in a day. My whole class made on so if you want to see them go to room 7 blog here's a link Rm 7 Blog.

Also sorry that it's so small I just could not make it bigger for some reason?? 

Anyway's hope you like it! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! MikaylaπŸ―πŸ…πŸΎπŸΆπŸŽπŸ΄πŸ―πŸ―πŸ―πŸ―πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…

My Reading!!! Slide!

 Hello Blogger's!!! Mikayla here.

Today I have made some cool reading slide's about Oakley 's creek.

We made them over the week. It was pretty fun. Some hard part's too.

Other then that it was okay. Have you ever made something like this???

Blog you later! MikaylaπŸ―πŸ…πŸ΄πŸŽπŸΆπŸΎπŸ―πŸ―πŸ―πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ―πŸ―πŸ―

Friday 12 March 2021

My ice cream story bored!!!

 Hello Blogger's!!! Mikayla here.

Today I am making a post about My ice cream story bored.

It was really fun to make it. The hared part was putting all the animals in but you always need animals!!

Have you ever made a story bored??? Blog you later!


Thursday 11 March 2021

Modigliani Art!!!

 Hello Blogger's!!! Mikayla here.

Today I have some art that I have been making. My whole class (Rm 7) has been making these.

So Modigliani is a famous art person who draw's a lot of art. They look so good. 

The hard part about making these was my background because I had to color my background in purple then blue and then add clouds. Have you ever made something like this???

Blog you later! MikaylaπŸΆπŸΎπŸ΄πŸŽπŸ―πŸ―πŸ―πŸ―πŸ―πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…

Tuesday 9 March 2021

trigonometry for fun!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Hello Bloggers!!! Mikayla here.

Today we have a post about trigonometry that word means maths if you did not know. 

Okay any way today me and my friend Amy were measuring each other. Because we were told to by our teacher. So you can like out of sizes how tall me are and stuff like that. By the way here is a link to Amy's blog Amy's blog . 

Blog you later!!! Mikayla

Thursday 4 March 2021

guess My animal number 2!!

 Hello Bloggers!

Today I have a animal post!!! 

Have you seen my guess my animal number one (on my blog)??? If you have go good job and if you have not go cheak it out. So you have yo guess my 2nd fav animal! (Amy,Rita,Charlotte do not say it please) Here is clue: I Love to ran wild. I come in many breeds. Big small or tall. 

What do you think it could be??? Blog you later! MikaylaπŸ―πŸ…πŸ…πŸ―πŸ―πŸ―πŸ―

Tuesday 2 March 2021

My animal!!!

 Hello Blogger's.

Today I have a blog post about my animal that I made up. It is a lighting tiger mixed with a horse and here are some of its hobbies and other stuff that it likes. I called my animal lighting chains. Here is can read this to see what all his hobbies and other stuff ! Blog ya later Mikayla

Monday 1 March 2021

My Bug!!!

 Hello Blogger's!!!

Mikayla here. Today I have made a picture of a butterfly and I am riding it! 

I just added myself in tho. I think it does not really look real because some of my body is cut out.

What do you think? Does it look real or fake??? BLOG YA LATER!!!! MikaylaπŸŽπŸ΄πŸΆπŸΎπŸ―πŸ―πŸ…πŸ―

Friday 26 February 2021

My Koru Art!!!

Hello Bloggers!

Today I have a blog post about my Koru Art!!!

Rm 7 has been making some amazing art.  It was hard when you had to push down really hard and after a 20 mins it started to hurt! But it was easy to draw it but also I was really scared because I might mess it up.

Have you ever made a art like this??? Blog ya Later!!! MikaylaπŸΆπŸΎπŸ΄πŸŽπŸ―πŸ―πŸ―πŸ―πŸ―πŸ―πŸ―πŸ―πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…

Friday 19 February 2021

HORSE RIDING CAMP!!!!! The picture I made about it!

 Hello Blogger's!!!

Today I have a fun post about horse riding camp we went there in the holidays with my friends (Me,Rita,Amy,Charlotte). So Amy had to leave a day early tho:( Check out Amy's blog!

We all had our own horse here are the names and stuff.

Charlotte: Horse: Frankie White horse!girl

Rita: Horse:Philip chestnut horse!Boy

Mikayla: Cauletta black and white horse!Girl The best horse at the camp!!!

Amy: Pippin: Chestnut bay horse! Boy

Here the picture is Blog ya later!!!

Thursday 18 February 2021

What Help's me Learning word are!!!πŸ¦‹

 Hello Blogger's!!!

Today me and my class where making a word art. If you do not know what it is I will tell you about it now. It is like pictures made of words it is a really cool app I started using it in year 5! Have you ever used this app???  If you have not done it copy this Blog ya later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday 16 February 2021

MY PET'S!!!!!!!!!!!!


Today I have a blog post about my Pet's!
I have a Dog a cat and 30 fish well I lot of fish. My dog is Tia she has Broken her foot so has to were a cast. My cat is Fonize and he always looks mad even when he is purring. I have fish and they are fish my fav one is Tiger I named it it is a big Angel fish will stripe's. So I hope you like it here is a slide about them! Blog you later! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE