Friday 13 August 2021

Coin Operated (Writing)

  Hello Blogger's! 

Over the past week me and my class have been doing some writing about a video we watch. If you want to see what we are writing then Click here. I liked watching the video. Also it was not to hard because ll we had to do was watch a video and write about it! It was about a boy and a rocket also a lemonade stand he worked there for many years until he was an old man anyways I will let you read it! Blog you later!!!


BROOM BROOM!!! Said the boy pointing the toy rocket to the sky.  He started running around with it. Then when he was about to go into the shop with his mum he stopped and looked at the colossal rocket. He could even fit in it. He ran up to it and took a coin out of his pocket. His mum pulled him away but he pulled back. He put the coin in and went on the rocket. The boy smiled happily. The mum walked into the shop. The rocket pointed up to the sky ready to go. The boy looked at the moon and then smiled. But to his disappointment the rocket just went up and down. It stopped and the boy rummaged in his pocket for another coin. He looked sadder than ever. He sat back on the rocket. Then the boy looked up and he had an idea! He ran back home leaving his mum in his dust. The boy picked up some wood and made a lemonade stand. He waited and waited and lots of people came and went. Days went past, months went passed and years went passed. He grew older and older until he was an old man. The old man smiled and took his money bag to the colossal rocket. The old man looked at it. It was much smaller than he remembered. But the old man smiled and put all of his money in. He went to the rocket and sat in it. But the rocket did nothing,  all the saving up for nothing,  his heart dropped. Then the rocket pointed to the sky ready to go. The old man smiled and looked at the moon. BOOM!!! The rocket busted into the sky. The old man felt like a boy! It flew past all the clouds, all that saving was for something. To go to space.  

The end!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mikayla, I really enjoyed reading your writing, you have used some interesting words and the sequence is very good. Your opening words hooked me in....BOOM BOOM!!!


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