Friday 24 September 2021

My Writing🐯⚽😁

 Hello Bloggers!!!

Today I have made some writing! In my class we are doing this writing called Scrambled. We had to watch a video and then try write about it. If you could like to see what I am trying to write about CLICK HERE!!! I had to do this on a doc so I will just tell you about my favorite bit here it is. The Girl Viciously ran towards the train. Bing… The train closed its doors and it started moving. “Arrrrr” Said the girl I hope you like it!!! Blog you later!!!!    



  1. Talofa Mikayla, I like the way you used different ways to make your writing interesting. Using onomatopoeia and dialogue help make the action come to life! You could try copying and pasting just the text of your writing into this blog post - I know adding a doc doesn't format well. I like the way you added a link to the post so others can see the video, and adding an image makes you post look interesting too. Do you think you could add your story to Book Creator? blog you later, Megan : )

  2. Hi Mikayla,
    I love your writing, it make's me want to read more because it has lots of describing words. How long did it take to write the story?
    Blog ya later, Jasmine


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