Thursday 17 June 2021

Fresh & Smooth play!!!!!

Hello Blogger's!!!
Today I am going to show you some writing that I have made to show you how much I liked the play!!
My writing...
I think that the fresh and Smooth play was pretty fun. It was so fun being a gangster! We got to do cool posers and wear fun stuff. The whale was getting very close to us. Also the Whale got stuck in the curtain on Wednesday. My mum & dad wear also their on Wednesday!! Here is a picture to show you what we are can you guess???
Blog you later!!!


  1. Hello Mikayla this is Rita.
    I think that the play was also fun too because of how funny and amazing it is our class did some mistakes to like doing the wrong moves and going into the wrong line and that it was kinda embarrassing because my mum was there waving hard out at me.I already knew what you guys were but I'm just gonna say you guys are krill's.
    what was your favorite part about the production?
    Blog ya later! Rita

    1. Hello Rita!
      Thank you for your comment! I really liked the Business people part! I liked there dance. What was your fav part?? Blog you later!

  2. Hi Mik, it is Amy.
    It was really fun to do the production.
    I already know we are krills though because I am in your class.
    Other then our part my favourite part was Rm 8s or the Buisness people like you said.
    What did you like about the production?
    Bye blog you later

    1. Hello Amy!
      Thank you for commenting on my blog! I think the Buisness people too! I liked there dance and how they made there own coffee cups and there own i phone! It was pretty cool! Blog you later!


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