Monday 18 May 2020

meet my animal

what animal am I  I live up to 20 or 26 years


  1. Hi Mikayla,
    I really like Tigers too! I actully was going to do a tiger and then I noticed it looked really weird! so I changed it and now it still looks weird!
    blog you later,

    1. Kia Ora Lila thank you for your comment it was like very easy to completing this task but it was so fun to make I want to look at your blog I will look at it today
      Bye Mikayla

  2. Hi Mikayla,
    amazing tiger I think tigers are so cute.It looks so good. Bye Mikayla 🐯

  3. Hi Amy I think your blog is cool to and I hope you liked my blog
    bye Mikayla

  4. Kia Ora, my name is Jo and I am in Room 8 at Owairaka District School. I really liked your blog post about Tiger Girl! I guess that you are a tiger! Am I right? The part that stood out was when you cut and pasted you head onto the tiger. Very funny and very cool. We also made some of these in Room 8. Check out Hiwatt's Blog for an example. Do you notice anything alike between these 2 posts? Next time, you could explain what you did to make your picture. Blog you later!

    1. Hi miss Green Mikayla here I did look at Hiwatt's blog and I find out that is the same pitcher as my one funny Right well they are not the same I put my head on my one and then Hiwatt is just standing next to it
      I think tigers are really cool so that is why I did mine as a tiger and by the way my favorite animal is a tiger so yes i will do it I think your blog is very cool I hope you like mine blog you later
      Bye Mikayla😜

  5. Talofa lava room 7 my name is Paeton and I am in room 23.I think that your Tiger is amazing


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