Thursday 3 December 2020

The Duffy show!!!


Today me and my class (and half of the school) saw a play. Well not really a play it was a performance. We have them ever year. This year the Duffy performance was about this coggen half cat, Dog, chicken.

It was quit funny and fun to watch. My favorite part was when Duffy and the coggen were chasing after each other. If you did go to the Duffy performance what was your favorite part??? Blog you later!!!


1 comment:

  1. Hey there Mikayla. Asfan here from Room 23. I saw your blog post and by my opinion it was actually fun and I loved it. Also that in the second picture there is my friend there. Thanks for sharing your astonishingly, jaw breaking, spectacularly,enthusiastic. Thanks for sharing your learning.
    Blog you later, Check out my Blog


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