Tuesday 22 September 2020

THE MATH GAME!!!!!!!!!

Hello welcome back to my blog today I am going to show you a math game that my calss does when we are doing maths. We do a lot of fun maths games but this one is my fav. If you copey this link then it well take you to the maths game I really hope you like it. https://www.sheppardsoftware.com/mathgames/fractions/mathman_improper_fractions.htm Alright that was the link I hope you like it see you. Blog you later!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Hi Myiah here
    is the math game fun. how do you come up with it dues it a lots of math is it cool. bey

    1. Hello Myiah!
      Thank you for your comment and I think that this math game is fun!! have you tried playing this? Blog you later!


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